A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Bachelor’s Thesis 

Video Game Design and Development Degree

This project will consist in the study of the detection of disabilities through video games. See if it’s possible to detect learning disabilities like dyslexia or color blindness with a software that also entertains the player.

The game will focus children in school age with learning disabilities, these types of disabilities are the most suffered, affecting up to 10 percent of all the children.

I will also explain the benefits and disadvantages of using video games as tools of study, case studies of similar serious games and games that focus on accessibility.

The project is focussed on the research of which disability can I detect in this short period of time of investigation. 

Through a narrowing process the game will detect alert signals in the language for children from age 3 to 5. In a period of time where they don’t know how to read and detect possible problems before they learn how to do it can make a huge advantage in their education.  

The game it’s called Pepa and the cookie bandit, it will consist of a set of challenges, each challenge, these challenges analyze and test the player’s ability to perceive spoken language, how much knowledge they already got and if they express correctly to a conversation. At the end of the game session it will generate a document that their tutors will be able to view, in this document it will appear all the results from the challenges and how the player had performed.  

It all begins in the office of the investigator Plup, he was sleeping in his office when a young girl interrupted his rest. She is Pepa and she tells the investigator that someone stole her cookies. 

Help them both find the missing cookies through an amazing story where you will meet a  variety of characters that will help you solve the mystery of the cookie bandit. Without your help pepa will be always lost.


Pepa and the Cookie Bandit.zip 40 MB
PepaAndTheCookieBandit.apk 42 MB

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